Friday, November 25, 2022

How Paddle boarding in Orange County Can Be Fun & A Great Workout

If you're looking for a fun new way to spend your time in Orange County, paddle boarding is the perfect choice! With flat water conditions, warm weather, and a mild current, paddle boarding is a great fun activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Paddle Boarding is the best way to get out on the water, no matter what your skill level. It's also a great workout that can help you tone up and get in shape, while being super fun! You don't need any previous experience to try it out, and you'll be able to do it right away. It's easy to learn how to stand up, turn around and sit down again once you're in the water. Just follow the instructions of your instructor, and you'll be well on your way!

Why paddle boarding is a great form of exercise?

Paddle boarding is a sport that involves standing on a flat board and using a paddle to propel yourself forward in the water. You can choose to use one or both of your arms, depending on what works best for you. The sport requires a lot of core strength and leg power, so it's an excellent way to build muscle tone in those areas.

If you're looking for a fun way to get in shape, paddle boarding is a great option. Paddle boarding is a form of exercise that takes advantage of your body's natural balancing abilities, so it's easy to pick up and start doing right away. You'll build core strength and endurance by using the muscles in your abs, back, and legs. 

Are you looking for a fun way to get your heart rate up this summer? If yes, then paddle boarding is the perfect choice! It's a great way to enjoy the water while getting fit. The wind resistance will keep your heart rate up as you paddle against it, and the fact that you'll be standing up on top of the board means that your leg muscles will get a nice workout as well.

Rent your Paddle Board in Orange County:

Newport Fun Tours is your go-to place if you are looking to rent a paddle board in Orange County. We have a great selection of boards, and we know you're going to love them. If you're interested in renting one of our paddle boards or taking a tour with us, give us a call at (949) 675-8433!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Newport Beach Boat Rentals: Tips for a Perfect Trip Across the Water

When you're planning a trip to Newport Beach, one of the most exciting parts of your journey is going to be taking a boat out across the ocean. There's just something about being on the water that makes us feel closer to nature, and when we're on a boat in Newport Beach, there's no better place for it!

            Newport Beach Electric Boat Rentals

But if you've never been boating before, getting started can be a little daunting. Fortunately for you, we've got some tips for making sure that your trip goes smoothly and you have the best time possible!

The first thing is to make sure that the Newport Beach electric boat rental company that you choose is reputable. There are many companies in the area, but only some of them are good at what they do—and those are the ones you should go with.

Make sure your boat has enough fuel to get where you want to go. It might seem like a no-brainer—but there are plenty of people who end up stranded because they forgot this step. If there's any chance that you'll need more fuel than what was included with your rental package, make sure to stock up before heading out onto the water!

Stay hydrated! You don't want to forget this one either—drinking plenty of water will keep you feeling good while you're out enjoying yourself on the open ocean. The last thing anyone wants is dehydration at sea!

Think about what kind of weather conditions might arise while you're out on the water: will it be windy? Will it rain? If so, make sure your rental has some sort of protection from these elements.

Duffy Electric Boat Rentals Newport Beach

Wear clothes that are easy to get wet and don't mind getting dirty! You'll be spending a lot of time on the water, so make sure that you have clothes that will keep you comfortable and dry throughout your trip.

Make sure you bring plenty of snacks and drinks for everyone in your group! If this isn't possible, there are many restaurants nearby where you can stop off for some lunch after taking in all that beautiful scenery around Newport Beach!

Book your electric boat with Newport Fun Tours:

Call Newport Fun Tours to book your Newport Beach Electric Boat with a few clicks. Our electric boats are perfect for families, couples and anyone looking for a unique experience in Newport Beach.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Why Boating At Newport Beach Is Pure Bliss

Boating is a great way to spend your time in Newport Beach. Whether you're looking for the thrill of sailing or the relaxing solitude of water skiing, there's something for everyone. 

Boating is fun at Newport Beach because there are so many different types of boats and ways to enjoy them. You can rent an electric boat and cruise around the harbor or take your own boat out on one of the channels—it's all up to you! Here are a few more reasons why boating at Newport Beach is on everyone’s bucket list:

The weather:

Newport Beach is a perfect place to boat if you love sunny days and warm temperatures. With an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, you're guaranteed to have some fun in the sun while boating.

The scenery:

The natural beauty of Newport Beach really comes alive when you're out on the water! You'll see dolphins jumping around on the horizon, pelicans diving for fish, and sea lions lounging on rocks. It's a great way to experience nature up close!

Affordable boat rental:

Another reason why boating is so much fun at Newport Beach is because it's not too expensive to get started with this hobby. You don't need any special equipment or training to get started—just a boat rental fee and some sunscreen!

Boating is just pure fun:

Boating is fun at Newport Beach because you can go anywhere and see anything. You can take a boat out and explore the coast, or you can take a boat out and catch fish. You can go on a boat ride and just relax, or go on a boat ride with friends and have a blast! You get to decide how you want to spend your time on the water. 

You can always count on Newport Fun Tours for affordable Boat Rentals in Orange County, California. Our electric boats are available for rent all year round, and we have a team of experienced instructors ready to take you out on the water! Whether you're looking to go fishing or just want to enjoy some time with friends and family on the open water, Newport Fun Tours has the perfect boat rental for you!  If you're interested in renting a boat from us, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 949-675-8433!